Every January we’re all hit by that dreaded thud of reality, as we leave the festive cheer behind and return to, what feels like, a long month of catching up and empty pockets. Yet, for the few amongst us who were lucky (or wise) enough to grab tickets for this years Snowquake, last Wednesday provided one more day of escapism and excitement to grip onto.


Trading dust and dirt for snow and ice, the third edition of Snowquake took place on the Ice Rosa Ring, within the River Valdobbia- the home of Italy’s winter motorsports. Competing against the backdrop of the snow-capped alps; dedicated 'speed freaks’ from around the globe proved that a bit of snow won’t keep them from the throttle.


HOST: DEUS EX MACHINA (@deuscustoms)

In preparation for the inevitable skids and slides, motorcycles were kitted out with studded tyres and mudguards (and riders with thermals) before taking to the track for a day of high elevation and, a bit less, acceleration. With inappropriate road bikes, vintage and snow pro classes all racing through the jagged white peaks and corners; plus an appearance from Italian Moto-racing legend Giovanni Bussei, it was a day like no other.

For the spectators, those defrosting their beards or those just trying to regain feeling in their fingers; oil drums buried in the snowbanks held burning logs- providing a bit of warmth to gather round with a hot coffee, and to take in the stunning views of the Monte Rosa. Snowquake is not just about the impressive riding and bikes- including Steve McQueen’s 1970 Husqvarna 400! But a meeting of humble individuals willing to brave the elements for their genuine love of motoring.