‘&Co’ features the people that embody everything P&Co believes in- Riders, surfers, skaters, tattoo artists & creatives.
‘Live the Life Less Boring’
Photographer: Alex Barnes (@soot_baup)

P&Co: What was it that first made you pick up a board?
Elise: I learned to surf when I was 13. After that, I was obsessed and fascinated with women in board sports. As I got older, I just got tired of watching my friends skate and that's where it began.
P&Co: And what made you keep getting back up and back on it? What made you fall in love with skateboarding?
Elise: Honestly, I wanted to prove people wrong. I was told that girls didn’t need to learn how to drop in a bowl, they can climb in and start at the bottom and that was okay. It lit a fire in me. This process of learning made me stronger and a relationship with skateboarding was born.

P&Co: Have you ever considered going pro?
Elise: Since I started skating so late, I am not sure I would have been able to make that kind of progression. I chose to focus on college and wanted to use my talents to impact the skateboarding industry from the inside.
P&Co: You collaborated with 70’s pro-skater Cindy Whitehead on a book showcasing girls on their boards. How did this come about?
Elise: I reached out to Cindy via social media, I loved what she was doing and wanted to collaborate with her in some way. She proposed her idea of creating the first hardback book on female skateboarders featuring photographer Ian Logan’s photographs. I designed the book, the process took about a year. As a result, “It’s Not About Pretty” was born and the outcome was amazing. Upon the release, I rallied my hometown and created an all girls skate jam to celebrate the book. There was all-girl bands, artists, skate clinics, giveaways and the event broke the record for the most girls in Kona Skatepark ever.

P&Co: How important would you say it is to introduce girls and women to skateboarding?
Elise: When I was a girl, it was the images of women doing powerful things sparked something in me and lead me to where I am today. I think it is important for girls and women to be aware of their potential, to see that they can do anything they want. Whether it happens to be skating or becoming anything they want. Sharing that vision and voice of empowerment is vital.
P&Co: What is the current skate scene like in Florida?
Elise: In North Florida, the skate scene is slowly growing for girls, but it is still so small. I recently moved to Southern California and there is definitely more of a girls skate scene here but it is still the minority. The internet today is a huge way for female skaters to be highlighted. It is showing us that there are more girls skating that we may have never known about.

P&Co: Would you say skating has had an impact on your life and on your general outlook?
Elise: Yes, I took on skating during a key time of my life, after high school and entering college. When I didn’t know any friends, I had skating. It helped me be confident in myself. It wasn’t until I started sharing this experience with other girls that I realized the real power of it. Skating has taught me confidence, how to respect myself and the power and importance of sharing that with others.
P&Co: We found this quote: “The only way out is through” on your feed, tell us what you think is meant by this.
Elise:As a creative, my brain is usually going 24/7 and I am always stoked on making something new. But, it is normal to get into a rut and let life affect you. The only way out is through, was just a little reminder to let yourself process and then keep pushing because soon enough you will be back to that creative grind.

P&Co: What did you think when we asked you to be a part of our ‘Whatever Moves You’ campaign?
Elise: I am passionate about sharing my story with others, especially girls. Anything I can do to empower them, give them an idea or spark something inside of them is what I feel lead to do. I am absolutely stoked to be sharing the message of doing what you love to other girls out there.
P&Co:And how do we become good skateboarders?
Elise: If you have any desire to try skating, you should go for it! Start small and slow, allow yourself to feel comfortable standing, pushing and riding your board. Once those things feel just as comfortable as walking or riding a bike, continue to try new things!