The end of June marked the 10th Year of the annual 'Born Free' Chopper and Motorcycle Show. What started off as a house party for a group of mates and their choppers on Signal Hill, has soon become one of the biggest custom bike shows around. Now held on Oak Canyon Ranch in Silverado, Born Free 10 was bigger than ever.
Photos: Mike Luci (@mikeluci)

Packed into 2 days, the show drew its focus on the ‘small-time’ builders, the guys who work in their own garages and yards fixing up vintage bikes simply for the thrill of it. It brings together people who have a genuine love of old motorcycles; both exhibitors & general attendees, and the results are unreal.

Each bike was honestly better than the last- from stock & classic builds to the more ‘out-there’ custom fabrications. Invited builder Josh Wills (@bttw) based in Ohio won best in show for his custom 1948 Harley UL salt flats racer, along with an all expenses trip to the Mooneyes Japan show.

As well as the exhibitor awards there were raffle prizes, including a Prism built shovel & a 1945 knucklehead, and races held at the Industry Hills Expo centre. The ‘Stampede’ made up of a number of classes including pull-start minis, tank shift, vintage singles, ladies and hooligans, was crazy with races running into the night.

Amongst the competition was an incredible level of sportsmanship and appreciation. A gathering of like-minded people, all there enjoying the bikes of the past, watching the bands and drinking beer. After a decade of Born Free, BF10 was something else. Shame about the sunburn & hangovers…