The beginning of June (yeah we know we’re late to the party) saw the return of ‘The Race of Gentlemen’ more fondly known as ‘TROG’- a 3 day camaraderie of thrills, spills and sea air.
Photos: @davidcarlophotography
David Carlo Photography©

Taking part in Wildwood, on the southern shore of the New Jersey coast, Trog takes you back to a time when racing was about nothing more than a love of old iron & speed. When avid wrenchers worked from their own yards to fix up and create purpose built machines to put into head to races and test their limits.

Hosted by ‘Oilers Car Club’ co-founders of the ‘National Hot Rod Association’ founded in 1949, everything about the weekend emulates this authentic throwback feel; from the ‘period correct’ dress code and builds- to qualify for the races cars must have been produced before 1935 & cannot have any parts made after 1953, and bikes must be pre-1947, to the iconic flag girls that stand barefoot in the sand, dressed in old-school Harley overalls and waving a checkered flag.

This year, both racers and spectators came from as far as France, Norway, Japan, Italy, Canada & Australia- showing how far the event has come since the first event in 2012.

The weekend kicked off with the infamous ‘Night of the Troglodytes’ party which was took place at ‘Binns Motor Inn’ and consisted of an all night custom chopper & bike show, live rock n roll bands and lots of beer.
“Flood the beaches & battle the tides”.

Saturday came and so did the competition. Racers Paired off to compete in a series of informal ‘grudge matches’ as they raced head-to-head along the 1/8 mile sandy track for nothing but the thrill of it. It really was more of a race against the tides than the time, as events continued until the waves came in.

Sunday saw the more formal bracket races as selected entrants kicked up sand in their hopped-up motors to win the title. The bracket races are split up into 3 competing classes- the ‘Bangers’(4 cylinder engine cars), the ‘Flatheads’(V-8 engine cars) and bikes.
A winter of storms had made the sand a tough track but competitors fought it out til the end.