Lens: Jason Lau
"It was around mid this year that a friend of mine, Adrian, was telling me about his motorcycle trip to the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. I was heavily inspired by this as I have always wanted to do a motorcycle journey of my own. I was talking with my good friend and mentor, Roger and he had suggested that we should ride to The Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Without wasting anytime at all, the trip was soon booked for August the 18th.
Not wanting to ride Billie, my 1976 Honda CB400f (Cafè style) Roger prepared the 1978 Honda XL250, an enduro styled bike that would be perfect for the terrain and long distance riding. It was just over a week before the adventure, I came off the XL and injured my knee pretty badly but I wasn't going to let this stop me from doing the ride."
"The journey started from my home town here in Hobart - Tasmania, Australia. Both Roger and I rode from Hobart to Devonport (a three hour ride) where we boarded the Ferry for an overnight sailing. It was there where we met up with Isla, who was driving the van containing supplies.

As we rode on, the landscape changed. From asphalt to dusty dirt roads, from overcast sky to clear light blue skies and from rolling greens hills to flat brown terrain as far as the eye could see. It was here where I first saw in the distance The Flinders Ranges, a feeling of relief came over me. We had made it! Being in the landscape reminded me of an old Western Hollywood movie but instead of riding on horses like the pioneers of the land once did, we were on motorcycles.
For me the most challenging part of riding was when we left Chambers George. The morning just before our departure, a grater came through and ripped the ground up. The road was already a struggle to ride but now it was even worse. Riding over uneven large rocks in sand was a mental and physical challenge. I really felt Jason, with a wheel base of only 17" on the Bonneville and weight of 225kg isn't exactly cut out for that kind of riding but he kept it up the whole way and powered through. Same went for Roger, his BMW wasn't exactly set up to be an enduro bike but made do!
Between another 250km (155mi) we stayed in different accommodation ranging from shearer's quarters to huts and our final destination, Arkaroola, where we stayed three days in and shot a lot of content. Pretty much every day throughout the journey I was wearing P&Co gear and loved it. (Wearing it right now actually) the new designs are great, especially the Bert Grimm inspired tiger design. I always love shooting with Jason and creating content. He's a good friend to hang out with and really looks out for me - thanks Jase!

It was now time to turn back. We rode to my friend Mark's farm just outside of the Clare Valley. Riding on classic mini bikes around the farm and hanging out in good company was definitely another highlight to the trip for me.