P&Co x SeaTrees

If you’ve been following our social channels, you will have seen or even taken part in our #pandcoearthday competition- from which we selected 4 customer images to be digitally printed onto our ‘1 Home’ Charity T-shirt. These limited-edition tees are made from 100% organic cotton, are available in our relaxed fit & 100% of all profits made from their sale will be donated to non-profit organisation SeaTrees.
Seatrees By Sustainable Surf
SeaTrees is a programme by Sustainable Surf- a not-for-profit organisation using the global appeal of surf culture to create a positive vision for a more sustainable future.

As an ocean-focused platform for people & brands to take direct action on climate change, they directly support communities in planting & protecting blue-carbon coastal ecosystems- mangrove & kelp forests, seagrass, ridge-to-reef watersheds, and coral reefs- the most effective way to suck carbon out of the atmosphere.
Though their projects do a lot more than sequester carbon. They measure their impact with the Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The regeneration and protection of these ecosystems provide critical habitat for countless species, sustainable long-term employment for local communities, and protection for the coast from storm surges and sea-level rise.

Mangroves in Indonesia Project
Through the sales of our Earth Day T-shirt, our goal is to raise £3000 which will equate to the planting of approximately 3900 mangrove trees as part of SeaTrees Mangroves in Indonesia Project.
90% of all carbon in the GLOBAL carbon cycle is stored in the ocean. This is where is should be isolated to help reverse climate change. Mangrove forests ‘suck’ 5-10 time more CO2 out of the atmosphere per hectare than tropical rainforests- much of which is stored in the soil and sediment that makes up a mangrove ecosystem.

75% of mangrove estuaries on the island of Biak, Indonesia are deforested, this project restores and protects, so far, 46 hectares of highly degraded mangrove forest in the area. Located in the centre of the Coral Triangle, the reefs in the region have some of the highest levels of biodiversity on the planet.

Seatrees has worked with Eden Reforestation Projects since June 2019, starting with a small plot of 60,000 mangrove trees on the main island of Biak. They quickly maxed out the planting site in Mnurwar & in January 2020 began planting mangrove trees on the neighbouring island of Padaidori. Just a few months later they expanded onto a second site on the island.
By the end of this year, they will have planted just over 700,000 mangrove trees in the Biak island region.