
Founded in 2013, our brand lives by a conscious mindset. We want to create with purpose, we want to think with purpose and ultimately, we want to live with purpose.
Hailing from Birmingham’s creative heartbeat, the Jewellery Quarter, the brand has been built in a place synonymous with quality. Its historic, hardworking & hard-wearing attitude continues to fuel our passion for creating clothing that will stand the test of time. Inspired by vintage Americana, a sense of craft and an attention to detail to match it, the brand strives to make icons in the making.
With a feeling of nostalgia from products through to marketing material and events, we’ve focused on building a connected community of like-minded
Working closely with our factories across the globe, we continually push ourselves to create the best clothing, as sustainably as we can.

At P&Co we live by 3 core values - creativity quality & pride. These 3 values help focus, drive & unite us all, not only as a brand but as people.
Myself & Jordan always wanted to create a brand that felt like an extension of the two of us. A brand that not only reflected our style choices, but also our personalities. One single approach & one frame of mind, as relevant in our home lives as it is at P&Co.
A mindset for purposeful living.
We believe that a desired outcome depends on that initial frame of mind- we want to create with purpose, we want to think with purpose and ultimately, we want to live with purpose.
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